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I have a cat and I like them simply because they're more independent.

I don't mind dogs though, I dated a girl who owned a dog that didn't get much exercise and it was overweight. So I got into the habit of walking it and I used to take it for walks everywhere. These were very long walks sometimes several hours long and on weekends I'd take it a secluded park and just let it run for awhile. It got to the point though where the dog was far more excited to see me than the girlfriend. The dog also slimmed down dramatically and got into really good shape.

Two years after we broke up I had to go back to her place to pick up a piece of furniture in storage and there were 2 people with her at her place. When I knocked and she opened the door the dog went crazy, crying, etc and she was unable to keep the dog back. The 2 people there told me later they thought it was going to attack me, they had never seen the dog act like that before. But it turned out the dog was extremely excited in seeing me, it was obvious it never forgot those walks.