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@ naznatips

I don't think the purpose of this discussion is to convince you to get a high definition player to compliment your HDTV. Sure some PS2 games are great, I never owned a PS2 myself, but I bought Ape Escape 2, Jak 3 and God of War and they look and play well!

It's really all down to personal preferences. Do you want to spend more on higher quality or not? With the PS3 you get a Blu-Ray player included, I see this as an advantage, IMO it would not have made much sense to leave out Blu-Ray movie playback when adding a Blu-Ray drive.

DVDs upscaled are far less detailed than native 1080p movie content, Blu-Ray downscaled to 720p also looks miles more detailed than 480p upscaled to 720p. DVD upscaled vs Blu-Ray downscaled:

Upscaled 480p => 720p (XBox 360, one of the worst upscaling DVD players)

480p DVD, before PS3 DVD upscaling update, it should have looked like this:

Upscaled 480p => 720p (normal dedicated DVD upscaling player)

Downscaled 1080p => 720p (Blu-Ray)

IMO, for games high definition is more useful than with regard to movies as the content is interactive and you'll have a further line of sight, being able to better distinguish enemies further away.

Comparison (Ratchet and Clank series):




PS3 videos: (stops at 2/3 of the footage, but the Boss battle can be viewed at the following link below)

As I have a choice I prefer Blu-Ray movies over DVDs and I prefer to get the PS3 version of Ratchet and Clank instead of the PS2 versions.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales