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thismeintiel said:
I think the majority of doubt in this thread comes from younger Nintendo fans who think that just because the Wii was so popular last gen, than surely the Wii U will eventually catch fire soon. Of course, one only has to go back a gen prior to see Nintendo getting completely crushed by the competition. And the gen prior to that, it happened, too. The N64 and the Gamecube had ALL the games people are saying will help the Wii U ignite in sales, but it didn't help them.

Nor will they help the Wii U. Sure, it will give it a nice boost for a week or two, but that's it. It doesn't help that the Wii U is getting poor 3rd party support and Nintendo keeps delaying their games, leading to droughts for months. I mean people were saying 3D Mario+holiday sales = domination, but that didn't happen. Only thing noticeable was a good boost in Japan, which will still end in a few weeks. You see, you need more than games to appeal to gamers. The console itself must interest people, as well. Unfortunately, not many are interested in the Wii U.

I agree. What do you think about dietsoap saying Nintendo will dro wii u's price to $200