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Rafux said:
DietSoap said:

Well... What does the PS4 or One even have for 2014 that can match two of the biggest hitters in the entire industry, Smash and Mario Kart (you know, the game that sold over 30 million last gen)? Infamous 3million LTD? Titanfall that's also on 360 and PC? Some crossgen multiplats also strewn across both next gen platforms and PC, with some even on Wii U?

Seriously, I'm just not seeing anything that can even come close to pushing units like Smash and Mario Kart. Couple that with my expectation that a new mainline Zelda and a new Metroid will be shown off this E3 as well as a drop to $200 for the holidays (not even counting the black friday deals), and yeah... I just don't see how either the PS4 or One can hope to match it.

The Wii U is going to absolutely explode in sales this year, I still can't believe people foolishly underestimate Nintendo time and time again only for them to dominate each and every time.

Mario Kart and Smash Bros will save the Wii U like they did with the Gamecube... oh wait a minute

Don't understimate Titanfall its going to blow up also Destiny is releasing his long awaited new game and Watchdogs looks like a winner.

yeah, mario kart and smash bros popularity was so much higher back then, OH WAIT.