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Blue3 said:
naznatips said:
lol it's gone on for 3 pages, and I still could care less. No one has managed to get even close to convincing me to replace my ginormous DVD collection, despite the fact that I own a 42" plasma TV capable of 1080p. So, have fun bitching, I'll just keep watching my upscaled DVDs on my nice large TV. You know what else I'll do on that HDTV? Play my Wii and PS2... rofl I love these fanboy wars

not to smart are you.

most wont replace their old movies, but no normal person will choose a crap lookin dvd over BR especially if they spend the $ on a 1080p hdtv.

Nice to see that an arrogant ass is always an arrogant ass, regardless of subject matter. Yeah, I can't wait to start paying twice as much for my movies, when I can watch them in HD on digital cable. Oh not to mention the price of a $400 player minimum. Yeah, I am just tripping over the opportunity to pay for something I don't give a crap about.