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thismeintiel said:
J_Allard said:
morenoingrato said:
How can the posters be so insolent? How dare they bring the 3DS to the discussion?!

It just doesn't fit in people's agendas.

Bolded for truth. That's all it really is. Because factually they can piss and moan about how the comparison is "faulty" and "stupid", but isn't that what the entire thread is based on in the first place? Xbone is available in like 13 markets, isn't PS4 close to 50 now? I would hope it would outsell it with that big a difference. And we all know what the Wii U has done sales wise. But as you said, agendas. Adorable little agendas. And now they even want people banned for posting. Guess we should bow out, toodles.

You guys need to stop using the poor excuse of smaller country numbers, since the fact is each company will sell out of what they ship, regardless of where they go.  Well, at least that's a fact for the PS4.  Unfortunately for MS, their shipments are exceeding demand, especially in EU.  And that's because MS isn't greatly outshipping the PS4 WW (which is a ridiculous notion), but because the Xbox One has lower demand, regardless of how many countries it launches in.

You'll never bring back these men to reason

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m