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ZenfoldorVGI said:
CaptainPrefrences said:
lol. the most hardcore game wii has is resident evil 4.

everyone at my highschool owns either a 360 or a ps3 and this one guy owns a wii thats it. i guess its cause there all hardcore gamers.

Once again, proof that the younger age groups are sony fans.


I myself no longer attend school, because I am an intelligent adult, and don't feel the need to describe things as "gay," and have the ability to reason and understand that things happen and exist outside of my personal experience.


I believe if more people on the internet weren't still in school, we would have far less flames and console wars, because they spring from the immaturity of high-schoolers after all is said and done. 


School children are the playstation generation. Older gentlement, and I'm painting in broad strokes here, and ladies are more prone to enjoy a broad range of experiences and tastes.


It might sound condecending to claim that "You'll understand when you get older," but there are tons of things you will understand then, and perpaps acceptance is one of them. 

True, many I'm in highschool and alot of people think that Sony is the best right now despite the Wii is winning right now. They still think that ps3 will beat the Wii

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