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Legend11 said:
In my opinion you can't be dominating and still be in last place. And the last time I looked the PS3 is still in last place in installed base.

Though it is dominating in terms of current sales, its not sony's fault microsoft decided to release there nex gen console 13 months before the PS3 was launched in NA, and japan. And about 17 months before it was released in europe and OTHER territories.

The past 3 months have gone to the console which is currently higher priced. With only but 4 AAA titles 2 of which are multiplatform, and 2 of which are exclusive. I say if the PS3 is outselling the Xbox 360 in every single region, that is something to look at. If ps3 were at that $279.99 price the 360 arcade is, I would say blu-ray alone would have smashed the 360.

