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wick said:
foodfather said:

lets not limit the title to CODG. BF4 is equally as embarrassing if not more with its 4 hr campaign and horribly buggy MP.  Killzone SF also gets runners up for worst shooter of the year. Worst COD game, KZ and BF game released in the same year. All three series need to retire and give way to Titanfall and Destiny. 

We must be playing different versions of BF4 because after the last patch I've barely had any problems with bugs.


It's one of the best shooters I've ever played.

One of the best? I personally beg to differ.

Battlefield 3 was a big overhaul in many aspects to Bad Company 2, especially in the graphics and sound, it was certainly a step back in terms of destruction and many gameplay mechanics which was re-introduced in Battlefield 4.

Battlefield 4 for all intents and purposes could have been a Battlefield 3 expansion pack, heck it's what Battlefield 3 should have been.
In the end, they added a number to the end, made another horrible campaign, threw in some new maps and engine-specific features and called it a new game, which then you have to re-buy all the DLC which is probably going to have re-hashed maps from Battlefield 3 anyway and/or Premium.
It's more or less a money grab.
These "Premium/Season Passes" are the cost of what expansion packs used to be, yet offer only 1/10th of the content, yet people still lap it up.

Remember expansion packs? They used to have 10's of hours worth of new single player content, revised multi-player, new assets, art, sound bytes etc'.
Now you just get a few maps for the same cost.

Because companies like EA, Activision and Ubisoft can make Tens of millions/Billions they will keep rehashing the same content over and over again because people keep spending money to support these small incremental releases, thus it's the consumers fault for this situation.
Companies like to make large returns on investment for as little effort and cost as possible.

Some of the best shooters aren't even in the Call of Battlefield: Generic Warfare 78 franchises, it's games like Brothers in Arms, Doom 3, Quake 3, Unreal Tournament, Perfect Dark, Goldeneye, Deus Ex, Half Life, Turok... Etc'.
To claim either franchise has a game in the "top of the fps" list is pretty laughable, they are all the same, you just get some smaller regressive or progressive changes in every iteration.

And this is why I don't bother buying into either franchise, I did get Battlefield 3 for free, which is the only reason I own it.

I think one of the other big issues on why these games are so successfull despite being mediocre is the "He has it, so I have to have it" so people can play together and talk about it amongst friends.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--