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"Regarding #2, I think developers are going to use PS3 as their lead platform b/c the port job is easier and smoother. I believe Criterion did this and there were a couple articles about developers saying it makes more sense to do it that way. This point is still moot b/c no one outside the "gaming" community is going to know that there is a difference in multiplatform games.

For #3, the PS3 though has a big advantage in terms of IPs that people are familiar with. I'd expect to see first party and second party sequels for games like Twisted Metal, SOCOM, Jak & Daxter, etc in the future. These are games that many people played on the PS2. Just look at the sales numbers for the Nintendo developed games.

#4 This really depends on the life cycle of each console. I would give PS3 the edge b/c of Blu-ray. If it indeed does take off and become DVD's successor, you will have a lot of people buying it for the playback. Also the use of Blu-ray discs in games can increase the life of a PS3 as there would be more room for growth and tapping into the power of the system. "


ID uses 360 as primary:


Refer to this as to reasoning why 360 is primary platform:


I agree that the PS3 has the largest base of proven IP's but not new IP's which is what I stated in my comment. PS3 has several established franchises but as a gamer I get tired of playing the same games over and over again. For example, im tired of halo, tired of R&C, tired of Final Fantasy etc. I much rather play a new game like Mass Effect or BioShock that is something that I have never seen before. Dont get me wrong I like certian franchises but would prefer new IP's of the same quality.


I dont Blu-Ray will really hold any weight in give or take a year. Soon Blu-Ray players will get a price drop and there will be no appeal for someone who wants to watch HD movies to pick up a PS3. I got my PS3 specifically for gaming which I feel is why most people would want to pick one up. If I wanted a HD movie player I would buy one and not a PS3.

In terms of Blu-ray capcity for gaming, I guess there are starting to be cases of where it has been utilized (MGS4). This may be due to compression technoligies however.