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The 3DS will cost $129

The 3DS XL will cost $149

There are a lot of Japanese 3rd Party games that are going to be localize by Nintendo

Nintendo will release full 3D Movies to watch in glasses-free 3D, plus there's the 3DS XL (Warner Bros. & Disney & Dreamworks signed a contract, so they have no choice)

Nintendo only announce games being release in less then 12 months, if not shorter (this is a recent policy that's been going on for a year now)

Coverted Sony & Microsoft gamers buying into the system (3DS) throughout 2014.

Ironfall showing off graphics with only 7 million polygons, as compare to such over 130 million polygon graphic games as Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon & Kid Icarus: Uprising & etc.

3D catching on more with such recent movies as Gravity & Hobbit, plus NO 3D smartphones NOR tablets.

plus youTube App is just a web browser that streams HTML5 and uses the 128 MB FCRAM

plus update to do 3D streaming on Netflix. & Hulu Plus & YouTube Apps

And who knows what other surprises, if any.