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But the problem is you did not name any great reason for people to jump off their PS3s and 360s. You can name some great Wii U games but the PS3 and 360 have countless great games and most, not all of people with a Wii U already have a Wii so BC is not a "huge" deal. The issue the Wii U has is pricing, the people who want to be cheap are going for the PS3 and 360 and the people who want the "best" are going for the PS4 and Xbox One. I intend to get a Wii U down the road (probably after one more price drop) but for now I am happy with my PS4+PS3+PSVita+Gaming PC. There just is not enough great exclusives on the Wii U (yet) that makes me say "I have got to have it". If they ever make it compatible with 3DS games that would be a good reason for me to get one. Is there any specific reason a Wii U could not emulate 3DS games? Is it that they would look bad on a 1080p screen?



As a side note if I had children I would 100% be buying them a Wii U over a PS4 or Xbox One. Nintendo makes the kind of games I think should introduce children to the gaming universe.