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For me, 1080p is definitely one of those things the PS4 does better but damn, I will openly admit that this time, the PS4 does virtually EVERYTHING better than Microsoft and Nintendo!

That's kind of the thing, contrary to last gen and previous gens, there isn't really ANY area XBone is superior in as far as core gaming goes.

You may like some exclusives that MS buys or develops, but those would simply look and play BETTER if MS just sold a Sony PS4 with an XBox label slapped on the outside.
PS4 x-platforms will look better and exclusives will definitely look better than equivalent efforts on XBone (although given the nature of exclusives, 1:1 comparisons are impossible).
All that and $100 less.

Basically the only advantage for XBone is it's 'TV features' and Kinect, the voice side of which PS4 also does and the video side of which PS4 offers SOME parity with the camera.
(PS4 also offers 6axis and touchpad as further auxiliary controls)
And as far as TV features go, PS4 may potentially catch up very close there, given it should be able control and communicate with other devices via HDMI CEC.
(and Sony very well may release an HDMI-in / DVR attachment for PS4 perhaps surpassing XBone's functionality there)
I'm just unconvinced at that making a major difference, because the main people interested in either of these ARE gamers, that's why we are discussing this on a gaming site.
People interested in 'casual' entertainment or TV will probably not choose the most expensive option, but will go for Wii for cheap gaming and Roku/AppleTV/etc for TV stuff.
(the latter without paying an extra fee for XBox Live Gold in order to browse the internet and use services like Netflix that they already pay for separately)
Incidentally, the XBone can't even access BBC's iPlayer software, because putting it behind a paywall as is MS' policy, violates the BBC's policy for access to it's content...
So the XBone doesn't even come off as the 'best TV experience' in the UK, not to mention other markets where it isn't well integrated into local channels, etc.