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One wild PS4!


Well, my wife sent me on an errand, today.  She needed ink for our printer.  So, I decided to swing by electronics in Walmart and check out their stock of Xbox Ones and PS4s.  Considering it was the day right after Xmas, I expected there to be none.  To my surprise there were several Xbox Ones, and no PS4s.  It was pretty interesting since there were quite a few shoppers in the electronics department, yet no one was giving the Ones a 2nd glance.  Here's a few pics I took.

As you can see, there were 6 Xbox Ones to 0 PS4s.  Unfortunately, the 1st Walmart didn't have what I needed, so I went to another Walmart in my area.  There I spotted 2 Xbox Ones and 1 PS4 (pictured above.)

Now, this means one of two things.  Either demand has tapered off and sell outs of the Xbox One aren't going to be as much of a problem.  Or MS is able to flood the market with so much stock that even with great demand, sell outs aren't occuring.  I have to doubt the latter, since both Sony and MS seem to be focusing the majority of their stock on the US, yet the PS4 is the only one who is having real stock issues.  I also can't see MS outshipping Sony by the amount to keep this amount of units in stock, while we know Sony is producing 1M+ a month.  Again, the majority of which seems to be going to NA.

So, what are your thoughts on the matter?