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Million said:

I'm pretty much a semi active user and most of the time I spend on this website is done reading other people's posts , it's pretty shocking to see the volume of ignorant , ill informed , un-justified posts that are thrown about about by fanboys on these forums to give their console's credibility.

I'll adress some misconceptions that annoy me the most.


-There's no way the XBOX 360 can have an install base of 17 Million even if the faliure rate is a high as 10% (with reports claiming it to be as much as 33%) then the install base could not possibly be more than 16 Million.


Well ok some of them aren't misconceptions , some are debatable but cmon....VG


Thats a misconception !

First off the numbers of this site don't count replaced consoles  <-- unless your telling me IOI has access to those numbers


GFK, mediacreate, NPD - NONE of those report replaced consoles has sold 


MS can't report any consoles shipped through its call centers because those are not sold/shipped to retail

If they reported those numbers as sales (shipped to retail) then they would lying on their financial reports (people go to jail for that) 


Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)