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Ok guys AGAIN

Digital Content Delivery != The internet

Sure the internet will have SOME content Delivery, but what we are talking about as the competition to Disk based media, is SOLID STATE media with massive storage.

Imagine your next "Movie Player" were an Internet Capable, 1TB solid State Storage Device, with a Front Loading Slot, to insert Solid State "SD" Type cards with Capacitys of 64GB, in order to transfer HD Content, bought on these Solid State memory Devices, with a built in DVD disk reader, to move your 9GB DVD movie collection to the Solid State Drive.

Disk Based media is the Past, whether it be Blu-Ray, HD-DVD, SAHD-Blu-DVD or any other format out there.

A Digital Content Delivery service, with built in Memory, and the ability to store anywhere from 20 BR Disks, / 220 DVD films, Expandable to 10TB (200 BR Disks, 2200 DVD) Is what will replace DVD.

When you can enjoy your ENTIRE movie collection, from the couch, WITHOUT getting up to swap Disks, with the ability to Download new content in the background, OR to purchase it from the store on Solid State memory cards, is the future.

THAT is a leap that makes enjoying your data easier, much like the jump from VHS to DVD.

Blu-Ray/HD-DVD is an incremental jump, and history will remember it as a Blip on the Radar, much like Laserdisk

XBOX LIVE Gamertag: QuantumTarntno

Crackdown - Enchanted Arms - Oblivion - Samurai Warriors 2 - GRAW - GRAW2 -Lost Planet - Guitar Hero 2 - Star Trek Legacy - Double Agent - WWE 2007


Wii 4237-4425-6442-7626

Mario Party 8 - Rayman Raving Rabbids - Excite Truck - Zelda: Twilight Princess - Godfather - Wii Play