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I never reply to these but had to say something here, I grew up in the 80's huge nintendo fan. I loved the kings field series, which is what lead to Demon soul's and now Dark souls. There is talk of another king's field in the future. That said i am a multi console owner most of the time. I do not understand why the battle lines get drawn between systems that are so different. xbox and playstation are very similar and easy to compare, Nintendo on the other hand is usally not, they try to offer more than just the norm. To really get a feel for gaming you have to step out and try all kinds of games. Owning an xbox or playstation, your choice along with owning a nintendo console is the best way to get a feel of what "gaming" should be. I do not yet have the ps4 or xbox one, i will not support xbox simply becouse of the way they tried to control aspects of the industry then changed simply do to fear of driving people to sony. If dark souls was available for the wii-u, i would own it. How do guys like this say that "nintendo" people would not play there games? As if there are no "hardcore" games on nintendo. If a company wants to support a certain console, thats fine I am not going to beg for a port, I will get the console it is on if it means that much to me. But for them to say that thier audience is not among the Nintendo crowd is ingnorant. Bayonetta 2 is coming to the Wii-U, sony and microsoft fanboys have been begging for a port. There was a recent tweet about it, I will buy bayonetta 2 to support the company making it becouse they are one of the few guys who are not just band wagon jumpers and they support nintendo. If you tell those fanboys to buy a wii-u to play bayonetta 2, many of them say " nintendo sucks". Oh yeah, then why are they getting the game you are begging for? ha. I hope bayonetta plays great and has great sales, its one thing to jump on to something that is an instant success, which is what most companies want. Its very admirable to continue to support something from the beginning to help make it a success. My hat goes off to Platinum Games for being that kind of company.

p.s. yeah i know i am kinda all over the place, but i am very tired and just needed to rant. Thanks