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Comparing the numbers to the Gamecube numbers at this time in its life is ridiculous to me. There are so many differing factors.

The Gamecube had several big-hitters within its first few months, increasing early numbers. The Wii U has seen a slow trickle of releases, none of which are Smash Bros.

The gaming demographic as a whole was much younger back then, so a lot of people could only afford to have whatever one system their parents would buy for them. This led to more people having to choose what they wanted right off the bat. It also led to people more harshly judging the Gamecube based on its appearance. The Wii U might not look as "grownup" as its competition, but its not a purple lunchbox. And with so many more people into gaming, we're seeing more people have money to buy multiple systems. But as adults they're still better with their money, so they know when they can afford to wait on a purchase. They're going to wait until the Wii U is a good enough deal. Right now the library just doesn't appeal to everybody.

I'm not even saying that I'm certain it will sell more than the Gamecube (I'm pretty sure it will, but that's not the point I'm trying to make). I'm just saying that basing anything on how it's "trending" is completely stupid. Graphs go up and down based on what happens. Picking two points on the graph and seeing that the line goes down and making a decision based on that is pointless. Comparing this generation to two generations ago, when everything was waaaay different, is just silliness.

And anyone who calls it "Gamecube 2" after only a year on the market is a h8ah who don't know shee-it.

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