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mjo011 said:
I really hope it will end up selling better than the GameCube when it's all said and done, but right now it doesn't look like it will. So what if the 3DS started selling really well after it had a pricecut and started getting great software. It doesn't mean that the same will happen to the Wii U. The N64 struggled while the GameBoy thrived. The GameCube struggled while the GBA thrived.

Things can obviously change.
Nintendo needs to advertise it a lot more aggressively, and they need to get long-time Nintendo fans back with IPs that appeal to them: Star Fox, F-Zero, Wave Race, Paper Mario, Metroid, Earthbound and some new, impressive ones too.

They need a couple titles that clearly differentiates the Wii U from anything else. But those also need to have a clear visual appeal. Visuals sell. That's lame, I know. But it's the same for everything in the medias. 

The next Zelda needs to be a stunner. People have to go WOW when they see it for the first time. Not "WTF is that art style!"
It has to have an incredible atmosphere, a unique take on the franchise... They can't mess this one up. People are looking from not that far a distance the first time a proper Zelda will be in HD (Yeah, there's Wind Waker, but that one wasn't made to take advantage of the Wii U's hardware).

People bought a Wii for Wii Sports, Mario Kart, Super Mario and fitness and dance games... The Wii U has nothing comparable to that so far. Yes, there will be games from those franchises on the Wii U, but the Wii had the first Wii Sports, the first good fitness titles... The Wii U will look like more of the same to all those millions of casual gamers who got the Wii because it was a hot and unique item back then. Not so with the Wii U. Nintendo needs a new differentiator of that caliber that takes advantage of all the Wii U's feature set, if they want to get a fraction of those who got into the Wii's disruptive approach.