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Wait so you attacked other people for having 'misinformed' opinions and then threw your opinions into the ring, some of which are misinformed as well.

"-BC really isn't all that important in PS3's , yes the Japanese went crazy for em on ebay when they BC PS3's where phased out in Japan but they don't represent the whole market. The cost of a 40Gb PS2 + PS2 is less than a 60GB ( it is the UK anyway) Plus if you love BC so much maybe the PS3 isn't for you."

That one is highly debatable, considering the fact that the general userbase of the PS3 is towards the more techie state than any other console I get the feeling that many of the PS3 owners will know about BC and be as pissed as a lot of people on here are.

"-SSBB is not going to sell 200 trillion units , it's not as significant a game as many people on these forums make it out to be , they are allowing they're love for the game to bloat their sales estimates."

People make it out to be a significant game because its practically guaranteed to be one of the top sellers this generation, it will outsell SMG and probably MK:Wii. The only game which really stands a chance of outselling it is GTA4, and I feel that will fall well short on legs. Perhaps you underestimate it?

"-There's no way the XBOX 360 can have an install base of 17 Million even if the faliure rate is a high as 10% (with reports claiming it to be as much as 33%) then the install base could not possibly be more than 16 Million."

As retail sales are the only ones measured on VGC it must be assumed that the number is correct as repairs and replacements do not go through the retail channel.

"-Hardly anyone that matters ( the consumer ) knows anything about DLC for the 360 , however I still beliieve the 360 version will outsell the PS3 version by a significant margin."

Expect an extremely significant advertising campaign to change this.