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I'm pretty much a semi active user and most of the time I spend on this website is done reading other people's posts , it's pretty shocking to see the volume of ignorant , ill informed , un-justified posts that are thrown about about by fanboys on these forums to give their console's credibility.

I'll adress some misconceptions that annoy me the most.


-There's no way the XBOX 360 can have an install base of 17 Million even if the faliure rate is a high as 10% (with reports claiming it to be as much as 33%) then the install base could not possibly be more than 16 Million.

-Third Parties Hugley Benefit from the Wii despite the success of it's 1st party titles ( I used to believe otherwise until looking at the raw data)

-Hardly anyone that matters ( the consumer ) knows anything about DLC for the 360 , however I still beliieve the 360 version will outsell the PS3 version by a significant margin.

-SSBB is not going to sell 200 trillion units , it's not as significant a game as many people on these forums make it out to be , they are allowing they're love for the game to bloat their sales estimates.

-BC really isn't all that important in PS3's , yes the Japanese went crazy for em on ebay when they BC PS3's where phased out in Japan but they don't represent the whole market. The cost of a 40Gb PS2 + PS2 is less than a 60GB ( it is the UK anyway) Plus if you love BC so much maybe the PS3 isn't for you.

-MS Doesn't have a chance of doing anything in Japan , Not this Year , Proly Not '09, Maybe 2010 if they really invested money into JRPG's ,anime games etc.

-MS WILL NOT release an "XBOX 720" until at least 2011 , considering the R&D cost's , profitability from this generation , shareholder confidence , decreased consumer confidence. It's not like MS can say "oh Sony's fanbase is bigger than ours now let's just release 720 , that'll kill em" It doesn't work like that.

-PS3 Has alota cool exclusives this year but it's not like the 360 hasn't got it's fair share of killer exclusives to , do the proper research before putting down MS's lineup.


Well ok some of them aren't misconceptions , some are debatable but cmon....VG