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You skipped over one important fact about Mario 64 and the N64 in general.... the system was delayed almost a year, from its original release date of November 1995 to June 1996 in Japan and September 1996 in North America, because the games needed more time, and there were some issues with the hardware & chipset.

I'm sure if Sony and M$ delayed PSOne (see what I did there?) 6-12 months to iron out all the hardware issues and give their developers more time to polish their games, they'd have smooth launches and been even more successful than they already are.

Also, let's not look at the Mario 64 and N64 launch in general with rose-tinted glasses... even AFTER the delay, Nintendo still only had 2 games ready when the system launched in Japan and North America, and the third party selection wasn't very impressive either... a whopping total of 8 games were released in North America by the end of 1996, most of which were forgettable arcade ports with the exception of Wave Race 64.

Compared to most of the launch titles of the PS1/Saturn/N64 days, PS4 / Xbone launch titles look absolutely amazing.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.