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MP is great. Really brings back the magic of the old Halos. Really love the "Like a Boss" warzone.

SP is all over the place. It definitely loses momentum half way through as the openness of the beginning levels fades away to shooting galleries. Loved the atmosphere and world building but the story was bland. Didn't really care. I'd say it's average.


Story ending spoliers:

Really mixed feelings about the ending. All of a sudden when the credits started rolling I was like wtf? Set down the controller thinking "um ok I guess" and started walking away. It felt too soon. Suddenly it started glitching out and loaded the new level. "OMG OMG THIS IS CRAY!" Right then and there I paused the game and went and told everyone I could find what just happened! I was AMAZED! Went back and started the mission. Killed the guy and the real credits started. Then again I was liek wtf? If they had another two or three hours after the fake ending and gave the story an actual resolution I would have loved it.