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sc94597 said:
Michael-5 said:

Socialism rewards people based on the type of job they have. So since a Doctor is worth more the a cashier, they get more goods. So wouldn't socialism work in tandum with evolution by rewarding the more important people insociety? If anything I see Socialism and Atheism working hand in hand.

The issue with that is the Economic calculation problem. There is no objective criteria by which a person or group of people can determin the worth of a job or good. That is why we have markets by which worth is determined by prices and supply/demand.

I agree with you there, but Capitalism is also flawed because of the excess accumulation of wealth too.

Just so you know, my opinion on Capitalism is the same as Churchills view on Democracy. It's not perfect, but until a better system comes up, this is the best we have.

Also, in all honesty, I think anyone can make themselves into something. Anyone can become a doctor if they are willing it sacrifice 10 years of their lives in school. Anyway can go to university and get a loan (In Canada our school fees are also much much cheaper). So in comparision to socialism, yea It's unlikely I'll become a multi-millionaire, but if I work half decently and spend my money intelligently, I can be fairly well off.

I mean people are richer then they think, so many people spend 20% off credit card interest, why? That's money just being thrown away. A lot of people have children at a young age, why? You can't afford it..... Same with spending, people buy big houses with big morgages.... I in large think people born in NA/EU who grow up poor, do it largely because of either how they were raised (with money meaning very little) or their value as people (meaning poor people are largely less educated and less capable of working in higher income fields).

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