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bigjon said:
Michael-5 said:

I thought what you said was fine, but you do sound a bit arrogant. What if you're the less talented type?

Well I believe the rich should help the poor. And I think it is sad that it takes a government to force us to do it.   I have an interest addition. Do you feel atheism and socialism are compatible? All atheists pretty much need to believe in evolution to make their worldview work. Doesn't socialism in nature stunt the evolutionary process? I would think atheism would lead one logically to fascism. 

Yea, corporate taxes are far too low, High income taxes make sense for people who make <1 million annually, but CEO's make a lot more then that..

Atheism and socialism? I don't think I follow your question, why does socialism stunt the evolutionary process? Fasism is a form of tyranism, and evolution doesn't tell us that 1 single person is more qualified then everyone else to lead. If anything, I think Atheism pushes democracy because we all know everyone has different traits (from evolution), and with democracy we get to vote for who we think is the most capable.

Socialism rewards people based on the type of job they have. So since a Doctor is worth more the a cashier, they get more goods. So wouldn't socialism work in tandum with evolution by rewarding the more important people insociety? If anything I see Socialism and Atheism working hand in hand.

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