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Mario 3D World looks great on any decent HD set, the resolution is the last thing you're thinking about when playing the game.

Generally speaking Nintendo's games look gorgeous in HD, it's all the color and the fact that they don't get bogged down with the same grey/brown palette that so many other game makers are obsessed with.

Playing Wii U reminds me of getting my SNES for the first time back in the day and being so impressed with the vibrancy of the colors of the games.

But I agree EAD Tokyo is likely capable of pushing the Wii U hardware much further. Had to get this game done on time though, because apparently no other Nintendo studio is capable of releasing an HD game on time. My mind still boggles at how much content they managed to squeeze into this game and the fact that its simultaneously satisfying as a single player or multiplayer platformer. EAD Tokyo are just men among boys.