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VGChartz is boring for the following reasons:

1) A lot of redundant and junk threads that really aren't funny. Moderators should be more strict and try to channel those types of threads in the off topic section.
2) Redundant "official" Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo threads that have dozens of pages. Whereas point 1 is about having too many redundant threads, this point is addressing the fact that you pretty much have an entire subforum jammed into a single thread. Threads should not change topics over and over again. Threads should address one topic and die so that new ones can come about.
3) Discouragement of constructive discourse/anti-fanboyism. This has been in the making for a number of years. Because the moderators banned people liberally and because of constant threads and complaining about fanboyism, now you don't see any interesting debates. And in the end, stupid fanboy debates still haven't been eliminated either, they're just indirect/passive aggressive now. People have just learned to avoid the punishment, and haven't learned the lesson.

Ultimately, the problem is with the posters. It's a self perpetuating cycle. The forum starts to smell, and the good posters start to leave, making it smellier, so on and so on.