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"Oh hi I am a rich idiot I have some kind of agenda against Nintendo or I was just brainwashed by the media I dunno
. I would rather buy a $1 billion car noone has any use for than a 300 dollar system my kid will probably like. But since I am the most important person in the world only things I want are of importance. My kid is supposed to like what I like. If she does not its her own fault. Btw does anyone know if brains or on sale somewhere? I have money but I always wanted a brain I heard its good to have one. I will pay top dollars for it! I would even trade my child for a brain!"

The best part is.

"I have a Playstation and a Xbox. I am not going to buy a third console...... I wont be able to introduce her to Nintendo to the joy I had when I was a child unless Nintendo goes software only"

Yeah its Nintendos fault he has no WiiU ROFL.... Its not like he is trying to prevend his kid from owning a Nintendo system at all..... (I really hope she will see this video one day)

Most humans buy a Sony or Microsoft console and in addition a Nintendo console. He just bought 2 "almost" identical consoles but again he did that because in his opinion he is more important than his daughter is. I feel sorry for her.

This is how her father should be: