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Ronster316 said:
Well, back in the day a lot on here said they would never pay for online.

But credit where credits due, PSN has improved over the years.

3 or 4 years ago it wasn't worth paying for (and to be honest, if i want a game, i buy it day one or not long after release, so ps+'s free "we'll decide when you play this game or not" games don't man squat to me)

Now a day's take away the "free rented games" that i don't care about, and as a service, i still think Live is top dog, but the justification to pay for PSN is now just about valid.

You can't do that. That is a merit of the servive which warrants subscribing to it. If you can say that, then I can say "take away the online MP for XBL and PSN is top dog". I'd say something else for comparison sake, but online MP is literally all the XBL offers.

And I really doubt you don't care about the games. On a list that includes games like LBP2, Super Street Fighter IV, Borderlands 2, inFamous 2, Batman: Arkham City, Sleeping Dogs, UC3, XCOM, BF3, Assassin's Creed 3, Mass Effect 3, and many, many more games, that all come out within a year after the game initially released (no releasing a 7 year old game in a monthly update), I doubt you just "don't care" about them, considering these are all big games. And if you download and play just 1 or 2 of those games over the course of one year, PS+, then, has already paid for itself, and you still have ALL the other games to choose from. If you put it in that perspective, you don't really pay to play online. Technically, yes you have, but in practice, no you haven't