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NobleTeam360 said:
This is the top excuse I hear:
"I don't mind paying for PSN because I get so much value out of it"
Even though just a year ago you would see a bunch of people crying about MS charging for XBL.

Just stop. It's the "top excuse" because it's true. What does XBL give you other than the ability to play online multiplayer? Nothing

What does PS+ give you other than the ability to play online multiplayer? Free games, instant game collection, discounts on PSN content, auto-updates, cloud storage, and more

It does suck that I now have to pay to play online, since there's no alternative (WiiU isn't gonna have KZ, GTA, GT, etc). But if I have to pay (a cheaper premium, btw), at least it doesn't feel like I'm "paying to play a game I already paid for" like XBL does. With PS+, you truely do "get so much value out of it". If that isn't true, then tell me why MS started the Games with Gold promotion? Let me answer that for you: because people said the PS+ offers value for your dollar and XBL doesn't.

Everyone complained about PS+ being mandatory for MP, when it was revealed at E3. But if I'm gonna get free games (that don't suck or are extremely old. Assassin's Creed 2? A World of Keflings? wtf, Games with Gold?), some of which I was gonna pay $60 for anyway, then I can't complain. Hell, even some games that I would say "I'll wait til it's a bargain bin item" I could just get on the spot without thinking twice about it.