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Goatseye said:
3EurGSD said:

Without Bluray you couldn't play any PS3 games. It was central to doing what the device was designed to do: Play games.

Everyone knows (or should) about pushing Bluray to win the format war with HD DVD. 

Can I play games without Kinect? Yes. It is not central to the device, it is an add-on much like the Wii U tablet.

Fascinating how your brain works.

How do you explain multiplats on Xbox 360 and PS3 similar on every aspect?

It has come out that Microsoft demanded parity on 360 with games coming out on competing consoles (read: PS3). Whether that means that the on disc content had to be identical or the performance had to be identical is up for discussion. But it is known that parity of some sort was demanded, or the game couldn't be released on 360.

With that lingering in the back of your head, that may be a possible reason why multiplats were similar. But when you look exclusives vs exclusives, the differences between PS3 and 360 are obvious.