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Goatseye said:
Michael-5 said:

A handful of games needs the extra space, a lot of games work noticably better with it. As opposed to Kinect where NONE of the games need the peripheral, and a handful of games will "benefit" from it.

MS did not correctly calculate the benefit of Blu-Ray, that's one big reason PS3 caught up and surpassed 360 in sales.

As for Kinect being universally disliked, I think the casual dislike it more then the core. XBO sold less units then PS4 at launch, a domestic American product got outsold by a foreign Japanese product. This never happens in the USA, unless the American product is significantly worse.

Hey, if family's really need an interactive system, then can get a PS4 and a $100 Wii or just buy a WiiU for $300, it's a much much better family system.

#1 Why would anybody settle for less? Xbox One promises more in content than a system with solely a graphic card update and the other is defunct.

#2 PS3 caught up to Xbox 360 not because of Blu-Ray. It got cheaper in international market, where Xbox doesn't have a name yet.

#3 There are BR-players for $40 nowadays.

#4 PS4 is(might be) selling better(?) than Xbox1 not because of quality, but because of cheaper price and a better aura with customers after E3.

#5 You think casuals dislike Kinect more but I doubt it from what I've seen so far.

#1 Yes, solely a graphics card update. Guess Twitch/UStream streaming, instant sharing, remote play, FREE games, playroom, indie support, and more just don't exist. Nope. PS4 is just a PS3 with better graphics. Or, you believe that all of those things < "Xbox, watch ESPN"

#2 By international market, do you mean everywhere else not America? And of course it got cheaper, video game consoles do that. Unless only the PS3 did it and the 360 didn't?? But if all it took was a simple price cut to catch up and pass the 360, that would imply that PS3 > 360 from the jump, and people were just waiting til they could afford it. The 360 is still cheaper than the PS3, so why has it been selling less for several years? Blu ray, features, the game library, perhaps?

#3 There are $40 BD players now. Don't forget how much they cost initially *cough*$1200*cough*. For several years, the PS3 was the cheapest blu ray player, so to coincide with point #2, don't say that people didn't buy the PS3 for BD. They very much so did

#4 Kinda agree, kinda disagree. Price and the XBone being pretty negative since E3 does play a role, and launch games are pretty on par with each other. But instant game collection, indie titles, the upcoming library, etc are factors as well. Say they released a Kinect-less XBone for $400. I still don't think it'd sell as much as PS4

#5 Don't really have an opinion on this, but speaking anectdotally, a friend of mine and his GF (well, fiance now) aren't "gamers" per se, but they gets the big release stuff. He gets Madden and loves Elder Scrolls games and she loves GTA to just go around and kill stuff. She got him the Kinect because "OMG motion control" that hoopla that Microsoft started. They got Kung Fu High Impact and Kinect Star Wars and always talked about how awesome those games are (so don't say "those are critically panned games. You can't just use bad games"). So, with regard to the topic, I wouldn't say casuals dislike Kinect. I will, however, say that he hasn't touched the thing since then. People like the Kinect like they liked the Wii. They got caught in the craze of motion control and bought it in droves, had a fun romp.....and then got bored. That's why Kinect and Wii software sales are so abysmal. They don't dislike the concept, they just get tired of it quickly. But this is all anectdotal, though.