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Zero999 said:
lt_dan_27 said:
Zero999 said:
Seece said:

XB1 - 11m
PS4 - 13.5m
WiiU - 9.5m
3DS - 58m
Vita - 8m

SHIPPED, not sold.

rofl 9.5m, I'm laughing!

I've read some of your comments. What wiiU lineup are you talking about that makes you think the wiiU will have triple the sales of it's launch year? In one day, the ps4 and xbox one both sold more than the wiiU's life time sales. In two weeks the PS4 is half that of the wiiU's international lifetime sales. The wiiU's best week sold just over 500K units. This week is the wiiU's best week with just over 110k. The wiiU's sales would have to pick up nearly 3 fold in order for the 22m predication to be valid. If its sales for this week were sustained all year, it would be shy of your 22m by 10million units. Based on previous sales, if it sustains the same figures that it did last year. They will reach maybe 8 million. Excluding the launch (2 weeks of rediculous sales comparitively), the wiiU has sold 3.1 million units. So I would say 9.5 might even be an optimistic prediction. 

bolded: no.

bolded 2: fallacy, altough ps4 had an amazing launch, this ratio is due to wii u's low 2013 sales. looking at it more logicaly, ps4 should end up 2013 with under 3M. in other words, just 33% more than wii u in 2012. see the difference? of course you do.

the fact is that sales are picking up for wii u and there's a huge amount of titles already announced for 2014.

I messed up the first bolded quote, let me rephrase that. I meant to say both the xbox one and ps4 have overtaken the wiiU's lifetime sales in the UK. Sorry about that. Also, the ps4 IS at 2.1 million units. That's a quote FROM SONY. So you're right, the ps4 has sold more than half the lifetime of the wiiU's sales, and it was in 16 days, not two weeks, sorry.  I don't see where your under 3m for ps4 idea comes from for the ps4. We know that the ps4 has over 2 million back orders in the US alone. So, the PS4 will easily be to 3 million by the end of the year, and possibly more if they can keep up with demand. Theny you're also ignoring the fact demand for the wiiU fell off a massive cliff after 2012, and it has NEVER recovered. Also, just under 3 million means 50% more than 2 million. Your so called recovery in sales is simply because of the holiday season, and it's sales aren't nearly as good as it's launch. Look at every other launch, the next years holiday season sales are usually higher, NOT a quarter. So no, I don't see your point. The ps4 clearly has a higer demand. Also, you can't say low 2013 sales, when 2013 has made up over 85% of it's time on the market. So yeah, none of your points are valid.