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Mr Puggsly said:
Michael-5 said:

Yes there has, one of the big reasons Metal Gear Solid 4 never made it to 360 was because they couldn't partition it into small enough bits.

Plus games like FFXIII have to have their cutscenes significantly compressed to work on 360. Not to mention the pile of PS3 exclusives which are 40G or larger. BR was needed to optimize the power of the PS3, and yes at the start it was a bit expensive, but later on DY DVD's held back the 360 a lot.

Storage space is not the reason MGS4 never made it to the 360. It could have been done, putting it on multiple discs was also possible considering its a linear game. For what its worth, MGS5 is coming to the 360.

Did you play the 360 version of FFXIII? It looks fine even with lower quality video. They managed to do it with only 3 discs.

Just because PS3 games have used 50GB, doesn't mean they needed to use 50GB. Look at 8th gen games, most of those don't even use 50GB with vastly superior graphics.

Konami designed MGS4 as a PS3 exclusive, and when 360 did better then expected, they couldn't port the game over to the 360 because of how it was designed. It would be the same story for Uncharted and The Last of Us, the structure of the game prevents equal parts of 4 from being partitioned, so it can't be played on a 360, not unless you redesign the game from the ground up. This is why MGS4 never released on 360, not even in the MGS Collection which only released what last year?

I own the 360 version of FFXIII, the cutscenes look okay, but it's not anywhere nearly the same as the PS3 version. It's a noticable cutback.

As for 50GB, sure they can design games to use less data, but that would cut back at the amount of content, texture resolution, number of objects on screen, etc. Removing Blu-Ray cannot be done without cutting back at the quality of PS3 games. You can't take the larger PS3 games and make them fit on DL DVD's without significantly affecting the game.

Removing Kinect on the other hand, doesn't affect anything in a game. Not 1 XBO exclusive requires Kinect so far, so why force us to buy it? 

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