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yvanjean said:

Sony created the tech. They know how far it can go and they've been saying since the first Eyetoy that having a camera without a peripheral for games is folly. That would be 2004 to be exact. Microsoft never created the tech so they dont know anything about anything. They just know what they want you to believe.


Kinect offers HD quality camera, Microphone to communicate with your consoles and motion control.

Camera is part of the gaming landscape now, 3DS, PSV, WiiU, PS4 all use a camera in some form. 

The Kinect is a very useful accessory even if you ignored the motion control. Don't tell me the tech doesn't work, you've use it yourself, you know that it work. 

Whats the point apart from Sony made the tech and they know how far it can go? Sony knows Microsoft is stuck in mini-game hell and cannot actually controll 3D realms or manipulate them properly without a peripheral. This is why Sony created the Move. They knew this a full generation before 

I just mentioned two games that are reliant on the Kinect, Just Dance and Dance Central without the Kinect these game would not sale as much as they do on Xbox 360 and now on Xbox One. 

Whats the point apart from Sony made the tech and they know how far it can go? Sony knows Microsoft is stuck in mini-game hell and cannot actually controll 3D realms or manipulate them properly without a peripheral. This is why Sony created the Move. They knew this a full generation before. Just Dance and Dance Central is the best you're ever going to get out of the Kinect. Sony has already proven their point that peripherals and cameras can complete a core experience especially for those who dont like to game as much. Microsoft has failed, but they failed in style because it made them more money thanks to great marketing and good multimedia integration which is much better this time. After playing Killzone and the FIght on the Move there is no contest and I still believe the the cameras should be optional. 

Microsoft will probably succeed with their multimedia/cable integration with the Kinect commands and all. I think everyone needs to turn their heads away from the Kinect and look at the cloud. Something that will become as essential as Sony's format driving in the console realm. Both are invested in it and they know its going to be big.