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yvanjean said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
yvanjean said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
yvanjean said:
No, Microsoft wants Kinect 2.0 to be a standard for all Xbox One games, beside it's vital to some of the console key feature such as Skype and the new interface. Beside Kinect is Microsoft solution for attracting the casual gamers.

Kinect 2.0 is integral to the design of the Xbox One, Just like the gamepad is to the WiiU.

No it isn't. I've used it. The Xbox One works just fine without it. If you want it, it's good as a secondary option. Theres nothing about the Kinect 2.0 to me or even my friends who boasted about it to me after using it that screams essential unless the user needs it. Theres been many times where we've unplugged it and reviewers have even admitted to unplugging theirs as well.

Kinect 2.0 handle all the Xbox One's video capturing, voice command input and motion control detection. All of which are to be fully supported by the Xbox One. 

You can choose not to use the Kinect but you'd be missing out one of the features that differentiate your console from the competition. The Xbox one interface is still in its infancy and will fastly improve over time, most reviewer have claim that while not perfect voice-command navigation is here to stay. X1 vision is a console that merge entertainment, apps and gaming. In order to achieved this it need the Kinect.

I know what the features are like. Point of this thread was whether it was forced on us. Technically it was. Blu Ray has become an essential format in the livingroom worldwide. Microsoft knows that the casual fad is over, which is why they must force the next iteration into the Xbox One. If it doesnt sell extremely well it was a lost cause. Bundling it is easier than giving people a choice. I can see through bullshit and was waiting for them to admit that Kinect is not essential to the Xbox One working like they said before E3. Eventually they admitted it. I am still calling bullshit on its relevance to gaming. If people like it for multimedia thats a whole other story.

I've played Kinect with Ryse in particular and theres nothing you cannot say with Kinect that you cannot just input with LB faster after the prompt.

I agree that when in comes to gaming Kinect as still a lot to prove, but the Kinect is extremely important when it come to Dance Central, Just Dance and Kinect Sport Rivals these are the games that attract the casual market & some females gamers that are just into the fitness and dance games. Kinect is integral in making the Xbox One a familly friendly consoles.

To the hardcore gamers they might only use Kinect for Voice-command navigation, chatting without an headset, skype and turning on/off the system for now. Until the Kinect as proven that it can be use for gaming.

Unlike PS4 this gen, Xbox one decided to be an entertainment console. Is Microsoft forcing the Kinect well it's definitely forcing the entertainment on us using Kinect, but is that really a bad thing for a console that you plan on owning for at least 5 years.

Kinect only cost around 75$ compared to the $200 estimated price of the blue-ray when the PS3 was first release.

Sony created the tech. They know how far it can go and they've been saying since the first Eyetoy that having a camera without a peripheral for games is folly. That would be 2004 to be exact. Microsoft never created the tech so they dont know anything about anything. They just know what they want you to believe. For Microsoft the height of the experience will be for voice commands and media.