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Zero999 said:
Mummelmann said:

That's where all this falls apart; do you realize that the Wii U could go up by 15-20% yoy in 2014 and still be beaten in lifetime sales before year's end by the PS4 or One even if they only matched the worst year their predecessors had on the market in their lifetime (6-ish million 360 and 7.5-ish PS3)?

That's how dire this situation is potentially looking right now.

And your last paragraph may just as easily be used against your wishes as for them, and it's not like yours or my choices will affect the console race one bit. The future is not set in stone; no, that's true but at this point I would dare suggest that it is carved into relatively hard wood at the very least. Now, even I am shocked by these recent numbers and my expectations were fairly low to begin with and I've been skeptical since 2011, how can you still cling to such an incredibly lofty outlook of the future with all this in mind?

I'm not trying to be mean, I'm trying to understand why, and at which point does the centers for reason and logic finally set in? There should be a limit, even to fantasies.

bolded: I cannot believe I read this. YOU SERIOUSLY THINK WII U WILL ONLY BE UP 15-20% YOY ON 2014????

the last paragraph is a quote.

I would never use the word "mean" to describe your actions. however, there are many words I could use.

I used 15-20% as an example of what kind of scenario could play out. The real increase is hard to say, but seeing as how you're expecting one of about 450%, I'm finding it somewhat difficult to take you seriously.

Now, perhaps the Wii U will be up 30-40% or even more, that would still yield a very poor year end total and would still make it pretty hard to stay ahead, given (still) that the PS4 and One only manage the worst year their predecessors had.

I must say, you scoffing at my 15-20% suggestion while subscribing to the belief of a 450% + increase feels... weird, to put it mildly.

Sometimes, I think you're someones joke account, I refuse to believe that you're 100% serious at all times. Then again, you never know, there are some pretty crazy numbers and predictions bouncing around in here these days.