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luvtospooge said:
I'm thirsty for a JRPG but I'm not sure which one to get. I'm looking at Ys, Memories of Celceta right now but I'm not sure whether to get it or not. Any recommendations?

Traditional RPGs
If you don't already own it, Persona 4 Golden is a MUST! Greatest JRPG of the generation and highest rated(Sorry FFXIII,Lost Odyssey, Xenoblade but Persona is KING).

Not out yet but will be coming to Vita sometime next year, FFX/X-2 HD Collection.

Conception II also comes out next year, looks pretty interesting. I am told it plays like Persona 2/3 portable versions. Select locations where you need to go from a map. Dungeons are in 3D and explorable with visible enemies. Fighting mechanics surround around you creating genetically enhanced offspring that look like Chibi Superheroes for battle. They are like Pokemon but humanoid. Seems pretty amusing lol.

Action RPGs

Ys is a very good Action RPG. I'm playing it now, put in 30+ hrs already and not bored. Its got a light hearted story, explore uncharted lands for this kingdom with some mild mannered mischief by unknown enemy. The main character Adol was exploring this forest but at some point loses his memories. The story starts with you re-exploring it trying to recover what you lost. Dat combat system, so good! Seems basic in the first hour but after you get the hang of the Flash Moving and Flash Guarding you will feel like a master.

Soul Sacrifice is an amazing action hunting RPG as well. Lots of customization for your characters. The story is surprisingly good....and very dark. You will likely be surprised how it ends in some parts. Story is told in story book fashion, narrated to you as you turn the pages of the magical talking bood Librom. No weapons or armor, everything is managed via magic. Your weapons are magical and various.

Sorcery Saga is a Roguelike Action RPG. Light hearted story.

Freedom Wars and Gravity Rush 2 are also games to keep an eye on in this genre. Not exactly RPGs but have strong RPG elements.

Strategy RPGs

Rainbow Moon Vita comes out in a week or so (digital). Its a cheap and easy way to get a strong Open World SRPG. I played the PS3 demo and loved it but opted to wait on Vita version which I know I will play more.

Disgaea 3 on Vita is just as grand as console versions, and better in many ways. THe playstyle of those fits Vita better.

Natural Doctrine, made by PSP's Patapon devs. Coming sometime early next year in Japan(and soon after for West hopefully). Gameplay seems to be Valkyria Chronicles/Fire Emblem style Strategy RPG.


There are indie titles that are coming but have no release window so keep an eye out for those too.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)