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Dr.Grass said:
Kasz216 said:
PC gaming isn't better because of the better graphics. (Though you can have that if you want.)

It's better because it gives greater fidelity of choice and options.

Unless they bungle a port, any game on both console and PC is going to be better on PC due to the mod community.

PC's being the easiest to program for, are always going to be home to the most and best indie games.

And entire genres of games exist on PC. Not to mention the huge backwords capability advantage.

What the steam survey shows is just another superiority of PC gaming. You can spend as much as you want. It doesn't' matter.

Consoles really only have one advantage. Convenience.

Outside that... there really isn't much. Consoles each have their own exclusive games... but PCs end up having their own exclusive genres.

This is just about the best comment I've read in recent memory.


Adding a specific example to what you're saying:

No controller has ever come remotely close to the mouse.  Not even close. I guarantee you that you can take the best 6 FPS console players in the world and put them against my friend (all at once) in Quake 3 and he'd rip them apart without a hitch. Once you've seen a proper FPS player in action with a mouse there's nowhere to hide from the truth.

I also really liked this line:

"Consoles really only have one advantage. Convenience."

I think that bolded line is false.  The reason why boils down to why consoles exist in the first place.  Convenience is NOT the reason consoles and arcade machines were made.  In fact, if you go to an arcade to play games now, you are most definitely not going because it's convenient.  An arcade machine is a type of console rather than a PC.  While people boast that PC can do this, PC can do that, PC has cheaper games, PC has "the most games" (this is highly arguable depending on how you want to define each game and count them).  

If we decided to use PC only for games from the start, the gaming market would not be nearly as large as it is today.  It is also false to believe that any gaming innovation that may come will come to the PC rather than a gaming console.  This is absolutely false.  While a PC can be perfectly compatible with these new inputs, it would #1 cost more to implement #2 be a much bigger gamble as it would be harder to market #3 be hard to find someone willing to make the investment in the R&D and #4 have a hard time getting developers to use it.  Why consoles are better for this is because they are more uniform than PC's are, and they are customized more than PC's are (or have been).  The advantages of consoles are much more than just plain "convenience."  Consoles allowed the market the flourish and mature.  Consoles allowed more innovations to gaming to occur.  

I understand that now may be in a different position as then, given that PC's are playing a bigger role in gaming, it is still true that the console market has a lot more chances to make innovations in gaming than the PC market.  Maybe some time in the future, consoles will disappear and everything will be done by PC's (the old console manufacturers probably developing peripherals for PC) but we are NOT there right now.