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ugh I will never understand this attitude

As you say people are buying new consoles because they are "better than what they have" which is perfectly correct. Yet if a PC gamer points out that you could have had something that was that much better 2 years ago and that now you could get a PC that is 2-3X better again today. Then they are elitist duchebags.

People are buying new consoles on the faith that there will be good games available (lets face it the PS4 and XBOne don't have great libraries now and wont for many months if not years) where if they got a PC they would get access to a library of tens of thousands of games with hundreds of exclusives and even several genres that just don't really exist on consoles, as well as the ability to play games new and old at whatever resolution and frame-rate YOU want. As well as the numerous other advantages of a gaming PC like no first party locking core functionality like online play behind a paywall, mods and user configurable settings that allow you to tailor the experience to what you want from graphics to gameplay systems, access to a wide variety of control methods including console controllers, Mouse & Keyboard, Flight Sticks, racing wheels, etc etc. You also get to tailor your hardware to suite your tastes and needs so you can pay as much or as little as you want to get the experience that you want. And you get first access to new technology, from digital distribution and streaming, to new business models like F2P that are touted as the big next gen features of the new consoles all have been avaialable for years on PC. And now their are new things like VR upcoming on PC.

And hey what duchebags for pointing out that on PC you can run games at 120FPS at 4K if you wanted when console gamers are squabbling about how their system can put out games at 1080p when the other system is only doing 720p. Or how no one can tell the difference between 720p and 1080p or 30fps and 60fps, except for this one exclusive that runs at 1080p60fps because that is amazing.

I have seen more console gamers talking about how they wouldn't game on weaker systems like the Wii because the graphics suck than I have seen PC gamers saying they wouldn't game on any console for the same reason. Most hardcore PC gamers also have consoles to play exclusives anyway, but why would you settle for gimped multiplats when you could be having a better experience on PC.


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