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Mummelmann said:
tbone51 said:
Mummelmann said:

Xbox One: 350k (supply problems)
Xbox 360: 500k (still big in the US after eight years on the market)
PS4: 250k (big supply problems, Europe launch will sap greatly from BF)
PS3: 280k (quite a few good deals for BF this year, getting really affordable)
WiiU: 270k (nice but extremely short-lived boost)
Wii: 220k (still moving)
3DS: 320k (better than last year, peak year)
Vita: 150k (going down a bit)

3DS will not be that low this year, you only raised it by 70k when its doing much much better than last year!!! 

Week ending:

November 16th 2013: 421k

November 9th 2013: 397k

November 2nd 2013: 391k


November 17th 2012: 428k

November 10th 2012: 387k

November 3rd 2012: 282


Steeper curve last year, numbers more or less the same in summary. A 70k, or roughly 28-30% increase is pretty damn good for BF, better deals this year.

Okay but the difference is last year numbers were made up mostly by japan cuz of AC, this year  it is cuz of US+Europe. Dont believe me? Check again for US only