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#38 - One of the only games where they managed to make a proper 4th installment on a trilogy that ended very conclusively. I.i. it's the 4th game in a trilogy. The enemies in the game are a type of parasite which spread uncontrollably because the enemy type in the games name have been erraticated.

#37 - This game received some praise for mocking other well established franchises but critisizm for a lack of originality. Had a very challenging post game challenge mode, which took me 2 days to finish, but it was damn satisfying. IMO this game defines fast paced action games. This game was criticized because the enemies look like a main enemy type in a famous Bioware Game.

#36 - One of the major characters in this game, was not seen in a sequel, but might be re-introduced in the next game in the series. This game is often considered the best in the franchise by most of the hardcore fans. This is also a fighter, it's a sequel to a game which almost didn't get localized because the developer thought that the Western Audience wouldn't like it.

#35 - Was an exclusive, then it was no longer exclusive, but then a special edition made this an exclusive again. A terrible design choice in the sequel killed all hype for this franchise. Gameplay involves using grapple hooks to climb up ledges, and thermal packs to survive the extreme conditions.

#32 - While 3D is all the rage now, this game was one of the first games to properly utilize the consoles two screens. It's named after a GBA franchise, which was a sequel to a Japan only Gameboy franchise.

#31 When you hack into a research computer in this game, you can ask the following questions, and get these answers:

What happened to China? Reports uncertain. China my be fictional.
Can mole rates be domesticated? Yes if defanged, declawed, & lobotomized
Can Centaurs talk? Abundance of tongues suggest so.



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