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Too_Talls said:
What differences there are aren't THAT noticeable. If I say play the game on my friend's ps4, come back to my xbox one I really wouldn't be like "WOAH THIS IS FLICKERING TOO FUCKING MUCH!" So at the very least I would say owners of both systems should get the ps4 version of it. but there is no obvious difference aside from LOOKING FOR DIFFERENCES side by side.

actually playing the game for people who enjoy battle field (I don't ) The enjoyment would be the same. unless part of your enjoyment is the thought that "I'm playing a better version of this game than that other video game system....but not quite as good as PC".....


YOU dont see the difference doesnt mean the differene is not obvious. ( because it is)

It is shimmering to death on Xbox One when you're outside.


Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m