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kupomogli said:
tuscaniman99 said:

He hits the PS4 button 5 seconds before hitting the Xbox One button. I also don't have to walk to my controller and pick it up to wake my Xbox One. I say Xbox On from anywhere in the house and it is on and ready to go before I sit on the couch. Add in the time it takes to walk to your DS4 and pick it up and the Xbox One demolishes the PS4 wake time. I also can switch between games and apps in less than 1 second by saying Xbox Go To (insert game title).

That's fine.  I'm okay with not paying $100 extra to save two seconds, at most, each time I'd like to turn my PS4 on from standby.  The one time you don't turn the Xbox on until you're  in close proximity to using it removes any of that time you saved by turning it on from the other end of the house.

I didn't buy an Xbox simply for Kinect so I didn't pay $100 just to save time. I bought an Xbox One for Titanfall, Quantum Break, Halo, etc. I also bought for XBL which provides dedicated servers for every game. I haven't heard Sony matching that. ALso my friends  bought Xbox One so add that to the factors. I will purchase a PS4 when the exclusive catalog builds up. It will be my single player machine.