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yes i know ill prolly be flamed for posting this thread, but im honestly not trying to be a fanboy.. just asking for your opinion, or estimates..


ps3 sells 11 million this year.

360 sells 7 million.

yes i know wild numbers but that will bring ps3 to about 22 million and 360 to like 26 million.

 if 360 sold less in 07 than it did in 06 and 07 had the best games 360 has ever produced (least thats my opinion), then i dont see it selling more than 6 mill in 08. and lets face it, the 360 game list in 08 doesnt compare to the games of 07 and late 06 (gears of war).

 ps3 on the other hand sold about 8 50 million consoles last year, and that has yet to improve especially with the games this year and its variety in genres. also blu ray will be a factor in ps3 sales maybe for christmas 08, and also home and in game xmb, and ps store update, which should give xbox live a run for its money. also its free.

 maybe ms can do something with that 60gb 360. gears 2 will sell some consoles (hell ill prolly pick up a 360 to play that game with my firends). 

i could write more but 

. im going to watch wwe so im not going to reply for like 30 mins.. 

please leave your thoughts/estimates/opinions w/e.