Kwaad on 28 February 2007
Cloud_2049 said:
I see your point, it just doesn't matter. DS has a bigger install base, and that's what developers see. Go ahead, compare PS2 to Gamecube games using the same method. It's really just a waste of time.
Yeah the PS2 blows the GC out of the water in 3rd party.
Gotta rember, all 111million consoles arent in use today. Consider about 1/3rd are actively played. and 1 out of 10 of those buy 1 new game a month.
My point is % of game sales. 3rd party to 1st party.
GameCube follows DS and Wii as well.
Want to do % of game sales as well?
I'm just saying. Why is the numbers skewed so bad in favor of 1st party on Nintendo.
Wii - 2million nintendo games sold in japan.
Wii - just over 500,000 3rd party.
PS3 - about 200,000 sony games.
PS3 - about 500,000 3rd party.
Explain the PS3/Wii in 3rd party sales % then.
PSN ID: Kwaad
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