This was quite a read, Gamerace's post is incredibly insightful and spot-on in my opinion. It highlights the same thing I've been thinking for a long time; the Wii U lacks basic appeal, this can not be remedied through pricing and software, the core design is greatly flawed.
2014 will show once and for all where the thing is headed and whether this theory is correct, I can wait another year or so.
I also find it somewhat funny that Nintendo fans, who always go on about how much more mature they are, are raging so badly over being proven wrong and called out.
There were a lot of very loud and smug Ninty fans in the Wii era, spamming every sales thread with; "Nintendomination!" every week, laughing at the low sales of the competition and looking down on people with different tastes and opinions.
How is a thread like this not well and truly deserved upon them in hindsight?
Hubris and all that.
As for the OP: it appears you might have been right. John Lucas goes for the regular 240 million lifetime I see, that oughta spark some discussion in the coming months and years!