It's too late, they had their chance, they didnt take it, nowmicrosoft and sony released their next gen, and sadly even the xbox one will sell better. ( and please, stop with that insanity of comparing Wii U to 3DS, the situation is absolutely not the same :
-3DS had good third party support before the Vita release, the exact opposite of the Wii U.
- 3ds is not a home console
- none nintendo home console sold well without first party support, even with mario kart, SSB,...)
So yes , 30M is the goal to reach now, what nintendo can hope ( and it will be very difficult if they cant even make 2M in one year, there will be a second price drop like the gamecube, for sure )
Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:
PS4: 17m XB1: 10m WiiU: 10m Vita: 10m