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makingmusic476 said:
gebx said:
kingofwale said:
Microsoft: SO yeah... since Blu-Ray won, can we use it please?
Sony: Yeah, of course!
Microsoft: Really? no hard feeling?
Sony: no, none at all
Microsoft: OH thanks, you're the best
Sony... oh yeah, a little thing, make Bioshock2, Mass Effect2, Gears3 multi and we are even.


MS didn't approach Sony... It's Sony who approached MS.

"Toshiba has moved on. We've moved on, and we'll support Blu-ray in ways that make sense," he said.

Blu Ray add on does not make sense on the 360.

Because an add-on for a format that had a 50/50 chance of survival made perfect sense in 2006?

An add-on at this time would make perfect sense, simply to discourage 360-only owners from picking up a ps3 should they want a Blu-Ray player. After all, a gamer who also wants Blu-Ray is the prime demographic of the ps3.

Not including an HDDVD drive into the 360 to raise cost made perfect sense in 2006 (even though now looking back, an HD DVD drive into every 360 probably would of changed things).

Why would it matter if the few (only 2% of 360 users bothered to purchase the HDDVD addon) went out and purchased a PS3 to play movies? They would still purchase their 360 exclusives and multiplatforms depending on which versions is gimped less.

MS would be worried more about NEW customers comparing a gaming console + BluRay addon vs. the PS3.

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)