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fatslob-:O said:

I could care less for top notch voice acting and story but atleast give me alot of content. 

I don't want a game that just looks better! I want a game to have more content for my money while also being enjoyable too. Both forza 5 and killer instinct were disappointments because of the lack in content, not techincal showcases! Forza 5 looks like a current gen title and killer instinct is in 720p but that's not the issue! The most important parts of the games are enjoyment and replayability. If shien'en can't deliver alot of fun content then i'm going to be disappointed because of it. 

I'll tell you right now; Shin'en make fun $10 downloadable games. For that price, you get a ton of content, far more than is usual for $10 eshop titles. But if you're expecting the amount of content you'd get from a $60 retail game, you're going to be disappointed.